VCPG December 2023 Newsletter
Members' Meeting : Monday January 22nd
For Your Calendar:
January 4th ……...….......Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
January 22nd …….....…..Members Meeting on Zoom; 6:30pm Gathering, 7pm Meeting
February 1st ……...…......Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
February 8th ……...…......Happy Hour 5-7
February 26th …….....…..Members Meeting on Zoom; 6:30pm Gathering, 7pm Meeting
March 7th ……........…......Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
March 25th ……..........…..Members Meeting on Zoom; 6:30pm Gathering, 7pm Meeting
President’s Musings • December 2023
More Fragments… Stuff I think about…_
This is my last President’s Musings blog. But not the end of Musing. I like to write so will continue with… Wyn’s Musings as they occur. They won’t be in the newsletter. Just the blog.
What happened last month?
No written Musings because… on Friday the 17th, I was sitting at home, having a cup of coffee, reading the news when my left foot, hand and side started to tingle. Then I got light headed. Short term foot/hand tingle has happened off and on for a couple years. That day the intensity peaked at almost passing out. This happened 3 times in an hour. Not normal… I called Peggy and said I was going to the hospital to get checked out.
At ER they said, “You’re presenting as a mild stroke, so we’re going to assume that until testing shows otherwise. I had a CT with and without contrast. No stroke evidence. An MRI with and without contrast. No stroke evidence.
The prevailing theory is that it’s nerve/muscle issue at 73 from a skiing into a tree accident I had when I was 18 where I broke my back and smashed my face into the tree. We’re working on the nerve/muscle theory with various tests and body work. So far all tests are good…
The gold nugget is living in the unknown and being reminded of my mortality. Nothing like a brush with the feeling/experience of the reality of death to facilitate a reevaluation of priorities. I’m in that process...
Looking Back…
What are my high points from the last 4 years?
- The 2020 & Beyond workshop where 20ish of us created a new Mission Statement for our VCPG and the 4 main directions/projects we’d work within as our Directional Intention.
- Pivot Teams created when COVID invited us to reenvision these projects and move them largely online.
- The creation of a very committed and talented Board, Committee Chairs and Committee Members. In general we learned the sandbox rules and have played together well with very little sand throwing as we traveled the winding paths to agreements on the way forward.
- Our Residency Program. Short-term apprenticeships for serious student ceramists.
- Our Team Service Program. A culture change to provide needed assistance to keep our expanding services functioning and opportunities for members to work together on projects and form/expand relationships with other Guild Members.
- Club Express: Our new web home. We went looking for a way to manage Membership and Team-Service (Volunteering). What we found was a more expansive platform for Clubs that we’ve customized to meet our specific and sometimes peculiar needs.
- Our Re-envisioned Jury Process (another culture change) that makes eligible for jurying, ceramists with a wider view of what it means to work with clay than our studio potter heritage. You won’t see this implemented until early 2024. The All Things Shows & Sales Committee inquiry took 6 months of weekly meetings to arrive at a consensus on our new process recommendation to bring to the board and membership. It’s been designed to move the jury experience from one of being judged to one of being supported. A learning experience. Stay tuned.
Looking Forward…
I’m moving to the Treasurer position on Jan 1st. The project is to get us setup in Quickbooks with the ability to easily do reports on our total operations as well as the sub-functions, like the gallery, the Ojai Show, etc. Our current ability to do this is not bad, but it is a bit blurry.
Create a Legacy Project: Develop programs to capture the life/art history of our older ceramists.
Create a Ceramic Book club for members.
Create a Monthly Pottery Movie Night for members.
Thoughts on being a Guild Patron
How much is your Guild worth to you? You pay a membership fee to access services. But, really… how much is it worth?
As you renew your membership there’s a Patron donation option that defaults to $100 one-time donation. You can turn it off by unchecking the box on the left or change the amount in the field to any amount you like at $10.00 and above.
On every VCPG webpage there’s a Patron link in the header. This link allows you to make a one-time donation or setup a recurring donation at $10 or above. If you setup a recurring donation and save a credit card it’ll auto pay. If you don’t add a credit card you’ll get an email each time asking you to pay. You can edit or cancel your recurring donation at any time on your Member Profile Page.
Do you make any monthly Contributions? Political? Patreon? Music? Newspapers? Cable? Consider giving a monthly donation to your guild. Here, you know 100% of the donation goes to our programs. Not one cent goes into anyone's pocket.
Seriously. How much is your Guild worth to you?
Happy Potting. And thanks to all for inviting and supporting me in being of service.

Wyn Matthews, VCPG President
50+ year potter
Members Program Meeting • January 22nd
More information to come
VCPG is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: VCPG Monthly Member Meetings
Time: 6:30 PM- Gathering Time, 7 PM- Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 2758 8377
Passcode: 893843
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88027588377#,,,,*893843# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,88027588377#,,,,*893843# US
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kfccJZUbf
January Board Meeting • 1/4/24 @3:00
All Guild members are invited to attend the monthly VCPG Board of Directors Meetings.
Please contact Secretary on the Contact Us page if you would like to receive the Agenda Packet in advance of the Board of Directors Meeting.
Topic: VCPG Board of Directors Meeting
Time: 3:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 6793 7721
Passcode: 558245
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kfccJZUbf
Clay Order is coming up soon!
We are piloting a change to the process for better efficiency and savings.
Please review the following to be prepared:
1. Make sure your Team Service commitment for 2023 is completed; and
2. You renew or upgrade your membership at the Plus level by Jan 3, 2024.
3. The dates for the next clay/materials order are Jan 3 - Jan 9, 2024.
4. Near the end of December, you will receive an email, probably through Member Connect from Shawn Felts at Clay Guru along with the order form.
Happy Holidays!
Next Guild Happy Hour
Will be Thursday, February 8 from 5-7 at Margarita Villa in Ventura Harbor, right across from the Gallery. There is an elevator near their back steps.
We plan to be outdoors on the front patio (up the front steps) unless the weather is bad. If you are new to the group, or have trouble finding us, just ask the hostess.
No need to RSVP - just show up, Margarita Villa allows for separate checks so folks can come and go as needed. It's a great excuse to talk clay with other Guild members. Guests welcome too.
We would love to see you! Rebecca Catterall and Sue Cline
International Recognition for Guild Member - Elena Bernikova

Elena's work has been included in the ICAN - International Ceramic Artists Network 2024 - Drinking Vessel Calendar. Her exquisite vessels appear as the photo for July. Congratulations from all at the Guild.
If you would like information on how to purchase one of these calendars, follow this link: https://mycan.ceramicartsnetwork.org/s/product-details?id=a1BDp0000015JxAMAU (Scroll to the bottom of the various calendar choices.) (Insert photo here of calendar.)
The VCPG Library
VCPG’s Library offers members an abundance of practical information, as well as being a great source of artistic inspiration. Make sure to take advantage of this excellent collection of books and DVDs.
Browse the collection by visiting the Library page under the Member Menu on VCPG.org. Click on Check Out Item to complete the check out request form. Items will be shipped at no cost to you. You can return items via mail (at your cost) or to the gallery.
VCPG Library Book Review

Certain books just need to be held in your hands, each page carefully turned in order to fully relish the contents. 500 Cups: Ceramic Explorations of Utility & Grace is the sort of treasure which needs to be experienced in this manner.
Outstanding examples by master ceramicists representing a wide assortment of styles and techniques are presented in sumptuous color photographs. Time spent with this book is sure to be both educational and inspirational.
Also available in VCPG’s library are 500 Bowls, 500 Figures in Clay, 500 Pitchers, 500 Teapots, and 500 Vases.
Upcoming classes offered at Vita Arts.
Fees: $350. per 10 class session plus $25. for first 25 lb. bag of clay
Classes are limited to 8 students
Instructor: Kristen Clawson
Wednesdays, Jan. 10 - Mar. 13, 2024
Time: 10:30-1:00
Instructor: Jody Cooper
Wednesdays, Jan. 10 - Mar. 13, 2024
Time: 6-8:30pm
Instructor: Wyn Matthews
Thursdays, Jan. 11-Mar. 14
Time: 6-8:30pm
Instructor: Wyn Matthews
Saturdays, Jan. 13-Mar. 16
Time: 10:30 - 1:00 p.m.
Surface Development – A One Day Hands-On WORKSHOP with CJ Jilek
LIMITED SPACES still available in Sunday Workshop, February 18 - 10 AM-4 PM
See Guild/Calendar for more detailed workshop info.
The $60 member/$90 non-member fee may be paid in two installments: A $25 non-refundable deposit will hold your spot in this workshop.
A refund will issued if the Guild cancels this workshop.
The balance of the workshop fee will be due by January 1, 2024.
(On the payment page, you may pay the full fee when you register by checking the balance due box.)
For Sale
Tent; 10X10, perfect condition, alum. Frame
4 zippered sides with wheled storing and carrying case.
Victoria Littlejohn, 805/448/1869.
Also, assorted tools; 3 , 3 shelf rolling carts.
2 small 2' X 3' work tables with 1 drawer ea.
2 ,4 shelf free standing, 1 folding director chair