VCPG June 2024 Newsletter
Members' Meeting : June 24th • info below
For Your Calendar:
June 8th-9th …….........…Ojai Pottery Market
June 14th …….........…......Board Meeting @ 4:00pm
June 13th ……...…..........Gallery Committee Meeting @3:30pm
June 24th ……...........…..Program Meeting @ 6:30pm Gathering, 7pm Meeting
Clay Challenge – Teapots!
July ……...…...................No Board meeting
July 15th ……..................Gallery Artists Meeting @ 7:00pm
July 22nd ……...........…..No Program meeting this month
August 2nd ……..........…Board Meeting @ 4:00pm
August 8th ……...…........Gallery Committee Meeting @3:30pm
August 26th …….............Program Meeting @ 6:30pm Gathering, 7pm Meeting
September 6th …….........Board Meeting @ 4:00pm
September 23rd …….......Program Meeting on Zoom; 6:30pm Gathering, 7pm Meeting
October 4th ……..........…Board Meeting @ 4:00pm
October 10th ……...........Gallery Committee Meeting @3:30pm
October 21st ……..…......Gallery Artists Meeting @ 7:00pm
October 28th ……...........VCPG Annual Meeting @ 6:30pm Gathering, 7pm Meeting
November 1st ……..........Board Meeting @ 4:00pm
November 25th ……........Program Meeting @ 6:30pm Gathering, 7pm Meeting
December 6th ……..........Board Meeting @ 4:00pm
December 12th ...............Gallery Committee Meeting @3:30pm
December........................VCPG Holiday Get Together
All Board meetings have the same Zoom link
All Members meetings have the same Zoom link
All Galley Committee have the same Zoom link
All Gallery Artists meetings have the same Zoom link
A Message from Your VCPG Board President • June 2024
Greetings VCPG Members –
As you know, the Board recently surveyed our members regarding an available space in the Harbor for the potential expansion of the Gallery and creation of a workspace to offer classes and studio memberships. After reviewing the results of the survey and completing a detailed financial analysis, the VCPG Board of Directors voted NOT to enter into a lease agreement with the Harbor for the space offered to the Guild at this time.
Attached you will find a summary of the survey results. But here are our key takeaways:
• Sixty-six of our 163 members (40%) responded to the survey.
• 31 Guild members were interested in a space in an expanded gallery and 26 indicated that they were willing to commit to a combination of monthly gallery dues and commission on sales averaging $170/month for the first 12-24 months.
• A detailed financial analysis for an expanded gallery indicated that there would need to be 40 members participating in a 1000 sq ft gallery, or 48 members participating in a 1200 sq ft gallery, for the gallery to break even.
• Twelve members were interested in being a studio member for a monthly fee.
• The financial analysis for a Guild-operated studio indicated that a minimum of 30 members would be required for the studio to break even if no classes were offered. If classes were offered to supplement the studio’s cash flow, a minimum of 24 members would be needed to meet expenses on day one.
• Forty-nine members are interested in paying for classes. In addition to the fact that these survey results did not indicate sufficient member interest to move forward with an expanded gallery or studio, our financial analysis suggests that the minimum 6-month reserve required to safeguarding the Guild’s financial position in undertaking this project would be approximately $63,000 (NOT counting capital, equipment and moving costs). Currently, the combined reserves for both the Guild and the Gallery are approximately $55,000.
Again, as a result of the survey results and the financial analysis, the Board voted not to move forward with a gallery expansion and/or studio at this time. Nevertheless, going through the process was very helpful and suggests several courses of action the Guild may consider moving forward.
Here are a few:
• A review of our current Gallery’s operations and finance: Is the current structure of dues/commission fair and adequate? Can we use our space more efficiently? Can sales opportunities be provided to more juried members? (For example, a new program allowing artists to take a 1 quarter leave from the Gallery and moving those on the waitlist into the Gallery on a temporary basis is being piloted starting July 1). What other updates to our Gallery Guidelines might be appropriate?
• Involve our membership in a 5-year strategic plan (Remember 2020 and Beyond? Well it’s almost 2025 – time for an update). Then develop strategies to raise the financial reserves needed for identified priorities. We’ve already begun this with the establishment of a future fund (funded through the set-aside of the increase in Guild membership dues), but that is growing very slowly.
• Continue to provide educational opportunities for our membership through workshops, Pottery Jams and special events, like the Pit Fire. I think we can all agree that the quality of these educational opportunities has been exceptional. However, to keep this going (not to mention expanding) the Program/Workshop Team needs support. The Team has had a notice asking for support in the last several Newsletters. Please contact Foz at programs@vcpg.org if you are
interested. The Guild can also explore opportunities to partner with other organizations in the community to provide educational opportunities for our members.
Any and all of this requires the participation of our members. Not just through Team Service, but also through participating in surveys, focus groups, and other methods for gathering feedback. While the 40% response rate to the Expansion Survey was pretty good – we want to do
better. We want to hear from as many of you as possible. Links to every Board meeting and upcoming activities are available in the Calendar on the Member Home Page on vcpg.org. And you can always email your ideas or thoughts to me directly at president@vcpg.org. Tell us the best way to get YOUR feedback!
Survey Summary for NL 2.pdf
That’s it for now! More next month. Take care and make stuff.
Stacy Rowe
VCPG Board President
June 20234 Program Meeting
Clay Challenge - Teapots
At this meeting we will show and share all the teapots we've been making!
If your teapot is still in the greenware or bisque stage, no problem!
If you didn't make anything new but have a teapot you made in the past, we'd love to see it! Remember, the Beatrice Wood Show's theme this year is 'Non-Traditional Teapot', so we expect to see some along this theme.
We will be meeting on Zoom, so preferably you will send Terry Wilson (terry@terryfic.com) a photo/photos of your teapot so we can see it up close and personal. You are still welcome to just hold your teapot up for a live view, but we see it better if it's part of a slide show. You may send Terry digital images all the way up until the meeting time.
Receive feedback, give feedback, get inspiration, and let's all have some fun.
Monday, June 24, 2024, 6:30 PM Gathering Time, 7 PM Meeting Start
Zoom link can always be found at the top of this newsletter and on our Guild’s Home Page (VCPG)
Click on the first button and you will be taken to the Zoom link and program info.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86441314653?pwd=dVVRNkRUVXV1VXdmU3ZxN 29xeUFIZz09
Pottery Jams
Come, hang out with your friends, share your knowledge and learn from each other.
Please register for those in which you would like to participate by clicking on the event listing found on the Home Page Calendar (vcpg.org) or by clicking GUILD on the menu bar and selecting Calendar from the drop down menu. These Jams will fill so do not wait to register.
Pottery Jam #3 – Sgraiffto Sharing
Sunday, July 21 – 11:30 – 3PM
Genie Thomsen is opening her Ventura studio for a Jam on Sgraffito. Bring any completed sgraffito work. Bring your tools. Come prepared to share your knowledge, expertise, and questions. This no cost Jam is targeted to include novices and experts.
Let’s visit and share what we know with each other. Potluck lunch will kick the Jam off.
Additional details will be sent to registrants. 5 spots available.
Pottery Jam #4 - A Saturday in late August.
Stay tuned, an email will be sent via MemberConnect once the details are locked down.
Anyone willing to open their studio for a Pottery Jam or who would like to offer a skills session or host a general gathering time for members in another member’s studio space, please contact Foz at programs@vcpg.org. Many of you have great skills that can be shared with a small group of 10-12 members.
The weather may be improving so it could be the time to offer to host an outdoor event?
It’s coming! Beatrice Wood Center Show
Our annual show at the Beatrice Wood Center is scheduled for September 28 - November 16. The theme this year is “Non Traditional Teapots”.
Let your imagination go wild, from fantasy to abstract. Have fun with this challenge.
It is open to all guild members and you can enter up to three pieces.

The VCPG Library
VCPG’s Library offers members an abundance of practical information, as well as being a great
source of artistic inspiration. Make sure to advantage of this excellent collection of books and
Browse the collection by visiting the Library page under the Member Menu on VCPG.org. Click
on Check Out Item to complete the check out request form. Items will be shipped at no cost to
you. You can return items via mail (at your cost) or to the gallery.
VCPG Library Book Review
VCPG Library Book Review

Graphic Clay: Ceramic Surfaces and Printed Image Transfer Techniques by Jason Bige Burnett is a project-driven guide geared toward teaching intermediate to advanced ceramicists a variety of decorative graphic processes.
The book is divided into two sections, part one, Graphic Ceramic Surfaces, focuses on graphic design methods such as paper and liquid resists, sgraffito, Mishima, stains, and decal application. Part two, Painted Ceramic Surfaces, provides in-depth coverage of screen printing, and explains how to combine screen printing with the techniques learned in part one.
From designing patterns and motifs to selecting the right clay and glazes, Burnett supplies ceramic artists with the knowledge and inspiration needed to craft visually stunning pieces. The clearly illustrated, step-by-step instructions, and practical guidance will motivate artists to push the boundaries of their craft and encourage them in developing their own unique graphic style.
Overall, it is a valuable resource for those interested in merging graphic design with ceramic art.
VCPG members should be aware that although this book is not currently available in the VCPG library it can be purchased online.
The Second Annual Pit Fire was Hot!
On May 18 th Guild members got together at Arroyo Verde Park to light it up. Many members attended prep sessions in Ojai or Ventura the day before to wrap their bisqued pieces in organics, minerals, and who knows what else before showing up early the next day to the Pit Fire. Pit boss Genie Thomsen oversaw the blaze with plenty of help from her pit crew! While
members waited for several hours for the firing to be completed, we ate (a lot), met friends new and old, checked out some mini workshops, jammed to live music, and had a great time. And the results of the firing were spectacular! Thanks to the Program/Workshop Team and all who made the event a success. Check out photos from the day at:
https://vcpg.org/content.aspx?page_id=187&club_id=108313. And while you’re there you can check out other photos from past events and members’ work.
The 66th Annual Ojai Pottery Market was a Huge Success!
Last weekend Libbey Park in Ojai was jammed with VCPG artists for the 66 th Annual Ojai Pottery Market held in conjunction with the Ojai Music Festival. We’re still recovering and running the numbers, but by all accounts the show was a success with over $44,000 in sales over two days! We think that’s a record. Plus the weather was fine, the crowds were happy, the demos interesting, and there were several celebrity sightings! Kudos to the artists and all who worked on the event. We had a really great response to our requests for Team Service. A more detailed report will be forthcoming.
The Marketing Team urgently needs Graphic Artists
This role involves designing, creating, and updating marketing materials for the gallery and guild. If you have any experience with graphic art and are looking to contribute to the guild and earn team service, please contact Ellen Wohlstadter at (818) 321-8706 for more information. Thank you.
Update for Gallery Members
Leave of Absence policy
The Ventura Pottery Gallery adopted a Leave of Absence policy in April. Three gallery artists are taking a leave for the summer quarter (Stacy Rowe, Kristen Clawson and Gayle Swanson.) Four waitlist artists will fill those spaces for the quarter (John Grisafe, Lori Lester, Victoria Littlejohns will move to a full space and LouAnn Smith will take Victoria's half space).
The full policy is located on the Guild website (Under "Members" to "Gallery Artists" and scroll down to "Leave of Absence Policy").
The application button for a gallery member to take a leave is also on this page.
VCPG Outreach Project
Bravo! The VCPG Outreach Project mentor artists provided support to teachers at eight Ventura County area schools this semester.
The feedback has been very positive. Lena Layman at Balboa Middle School shared this little poster to thank John Grisafe for helping the students create ocarinas.
We look forward to new opportunities next semester.

Program and Workshop Team seeking members
Do you want to be part of identifying, selecting and introducing programs for our monthly meetings?
Please consider joining the Programs and Workshops Team.
A few creative and enthusiastic members are being sought to join the effort of bringing great program offerings to our members.
We try to meet once a month until the year’s program and workshop calendar is scheduled. Then, in small groups or individually, members shepherd their program or workshop. Mentoring and coaching will be offered.
If you are interested in joining this team, please reach out to Foz at programs@vcpg.org and we can at least talk about what you might be committing to.
Teaching opportunity
A start Up program in Santa Barbara is looking for a ceramic artist that likes to work with elementary aged kids. They have a digital electric kiln.
Please contact me for more information.
Rebecca Russell rebeccajorussell@gmail.com or text 805-708-1637.
Ojai Pottery and Clay School is seeking an instructor for an intermediate to advanced throwing class beginning July 1.
Prior teaching experience is required. Instructors are expected to demo each project and to show a finished piece.
Trimming and glazing lessons should also be included in the 10-week class.
Interested instructors please contact Carole Paddock at 805/ 798-3603 or Bette Schneider at 805/745-5657.
Teaching at Vita Arts
Kristen Clawson is teaching 2 five week summer sessions ($200/class plus $25 for clay) at Vita Arts in Ventura:
Wed 10:30 to 1:00 June 19 - July 17
Wed 10:30 to 1:00 July 24 - August 21
Pre-Sale Sale
Ceramic Slip Casting Molds.
Huge local shop closed; selling thousand’s of plaster molds.
Delivery available.
Call or text for appointment: (858) 361-1811.