VCPG December 2024 Newsletter
Program Meeting on December 14th : Holiday get together • info below
For Your Calendar:
December 6th ……............Board Meeting @ 4:00pm
December 12th .................Gallery Committee Meeting @3:30pm
December 14th................. In-person Holiday Potluck and Clay Challenge!
December 16th .................2nd Jury Cycle, 2nd Critique
January 2nd …….............Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
January 20th ……............Gallery Artists meeting @ 7:00pm
January 27th ……............Members Program @ 7:00pm • Gathering @6:30
Presentation by Alissa Ward will focus on Amaco’s new products for surface treatments Sprayz, and Ceramic Inks.
February 6th …….............Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
February 13th ……...........Gallery Committee meeting @ 3:30pm
February 19th ……...........Happy Hour at Margaritavilla @ 5pm
February 24th ……............Members Program @ 7:00pm • Gathering @6:30
March 6th ……...................Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
March 24th …….................Members Program @ 7:00pm • Gathering @6:30
April 3rd …….....................Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
April 28th ……...................Members Program @ 7:00pm • Gathering @6:30
May 1st ……......................Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
May 4th ……......................Beatrice Wood Submission deadline
May 24th - July 6th............Small Treasures Show at Beatrice Wood
June 5th ……......................Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
July 3rd ……......................Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
August 7th …….................Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
September 4th ……...........Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
October 2nd ……...............Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
November 6th……..............Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
December 4th ……..............Board Meeting @ 3:00pm
You will find the link to all Zoom meetings/events on the VCPG.ORG Home Page.
Just click on the meeting/event in the Guild Calendar for the Zoom link.
A Message from Your VCPG Board President • December 2024
Greetings VCPG Members –
It’s that time of year again – the Holidays are here and the New Year is fast approaching. That means it is time to renew your VCPG membership if you haven’t done so already.
Here are a few tips and reminders regarding the renewal process:
The annual membership dues for 2025 remain at $40 for a Regular membership; $75 and service on at least one Guild Team in 2025 for a Plus membership; and free plus service on at least one Guild Team in 2025 for full-time students.
A great deal considering the array of member benefits which are available to review here: Member benefits and registration!
Membership in the Guild remains open throughout the year. But renewing members must renew by February 28, 2025 to prevent their membership from lapsing.
Juried members lose their juried status if their membership lapses and must re-jury to sell at a Guild venue.
Plus members who wish to participate in the upcoming January group clay order must renew their Plus membership by December 31, 2024.
It’s very easy to renew your membership:
The first time you sign in, you’ll see a box asking you to renew now or later.
Click Renew Now and you’re ready to renew.
If you skip it for now, you can sign in to VCPG.org later and click “Become a Member” on the upper left corner of the Home Page, or click here: Member benefits and registration. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Renew Membership”.
Step 1 – Use the drop-down menu to select your Membership Type: Regular, Plus or Student. If you want to change your membership type, this is where you will do it. Otherwise it will default to your current membership status.
Step 2 – It’s important we have your current contact information. You can update it here and also opt-in to receive text messages. Text messages will alert you to the Guild’s most important announcements.
Step 3 – This is our member survey. We heard you - last year’s survey was too long and confusing - so we’ve made a number of changes to help with that. If you are renewing, much of your data from last year remains in place – you can just review and update or scroll past.
We have added some new questions, so please take the time to answer those. The Board and Team Leads use this data to review your feedback and plan our activities and services, so we appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your thoughts.
Step 4 – This verifies your membership dues amount based on your membership type.
Step 5 – This is the final review of your membership info before payment.
Payment Page – Your membership is not official until your dues are paid. Payment must be made online with a credit/debit card.
THAT’S IT. You have renewed your membership for 2025. You will receive two confirmation emails. One regarding your membership and one confirming your payment. If you have problems or questions, email Judy Winard at membership@vcpg.org.
Some additional updates:
Remember our VCPG Holiday PotLuck and Clay Challenge will be this Saturday, December 14th. It’s not too late to sign up. More information is available in this Newsletter or on the Home Page of VCPG.org.
We have rescheduled our VCPG Board of Directors meetings for 2025 to the first Thursday of every month at 3:00 pm. The links to the meetings can always be found in the Guild Calendar of VCPG.org once you have signed in and in your Newsletters.
The final financial report for the Bowl of Thanks and Ventura Pottery Market is attached to this Newsletter for your review.
Questions? Contact me at president@vcpg.org. and in your Newsletters I know I said this in the Announcement for the renewal process, but it bears repeating. We did a lot of great things in 2024 and I know that 2025 has many opportunities and a lot of fun in store for us!
I know I speak for the entire Board and the Team Leads when I say it is a pleasure to serve such a wonderful community.
That’s it for now! More next month. Take care and make those bowls!!!!
Stacy Rowe
VCPG Board President
Program Meeting • December Holiday Potluck
Saturday, December 14, 2024, 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM
Rancho Ventura Clubhouse
1220 Johnson Drive
Ventura, CA 93003

This is a potluck dinner, and we're doing something a little different for the food signup.
Please sign up at whosbringingwhat.com/vcpg to let us know what food you are bringing, and so we have a head count.
This is an in-person meeting at the Rancho Ventura (a gated 55+ community) clubhouse in Ventura. The community's gate will be open from 1:30 - 3:30 for our event. As you come into the community, the clubhouse is straight ahead. There are 4 small parking areas around the clubhouse, as well as street parking everywhere, as long as you don't block a driveway or fire hydrant. Consider carpooling to ease up on the parking spaces.
Link for the meeting can be found at VCPG.org. Use the button to access meeting info and link.
January Members meeting
Monday, January 27 - Join us for a presentation by Alissa Ward, an art educator from Las
Vegas. Her presentation will focus on Amaco’s new products for surface treatments Sprayz, and Ceramic Inks. The program will include demos and the opportunity to ask questions about these and other Amaco products.
6:30 Gathering Time
7:00 Meeting Start
Links for program meetings can always be found on the Guild’s Home Page. Click the appropriate calendar date and the zoom link and other key info will load.
The VCPG Library
Looking for artistic inspiration, or trying to solve a glazing or firing issue?
VCPG’s Library offers members an abundance of practical information, as well as being a great source of artistic inspiration. Our collection currently contains 42 DVDs and over 140 books. There is something for everyone, so please take advantage of this amazing resource!
Browse the collection by visiting the Library page under the Member Menu on VCPG.org. Click on Check Out Item to complete the check out request form. Items will be shipped at no cost to you. You can return items via mail (at your cost) or to the gallery.

The Ceramics Bible by Louisa Taylor provides useful information on ceramic tools, forming techniques, glazing, equipment, kiln firing, and troubleshooting common problems.
The revised edition (c. 2022) covers technological advances and social media practices, which will prove helpful to those who are setting up a studio or beginning a business.
Informative and beautifully presented, this book is a treasure trove of inspiration.
VCPG members should be aware that although this book is not currently available in the VCPG
library it can be purchased online.
Wheel Throwing sessions
Ten week Wheel Throwing sessions are being offered starting in January at the Vita Arts Center in Ventura.
Kristen Clawson is teaching on Wednesdays from 10:30a.m. to 1:00.
Jody Cooper is teaching a Wednesday evening class from 6:00p.m. to 8:30
Wyn Mathews is teaching on Thurs & Saturdays 6:00p.m. to 8:30.
Thomas Webber is teaching Hand building on Sundays.
For more details as well as to sign up for these ceramic courses and a multitude of other classes go to the Vita Arts website.
Cost is $350/session plus $25/bag of clay.
School Outreach Mentor Artist Openings
The VCPG School Outreach project is recruiting mentor artists for:
• Cabrillo Middle School, Ventura
• Buena High School, Ventura
• Santa Monica High School
Mentor artists connect with ceramics teachers and help them take advantage of VCPG
resources. Schedules vary, mentor artists may spend 1 to 4 hours per month at school sites to
collaborate on special projects, advise on use of materials, share personal expertise and
answer questions as they come up. It is a rewarding experience.
Sign up now at VCPG Team Service to get started, then plan to continue through June.
Please contact Jennifer Robles Jennlamomia@yahoo.com if you have any questions.
Small Treasures • The Beatrice Wood show next year
May 24 -July 6
The opening reception is May 24th
Entries due online with images sent to Genie Thomsen by May 4th.
You can submit up to three pieces that measure within an 8” cube.
Travel to Morocco with Patrick Crabb
September 22 to October 5, 2025.
This is a cultural tour with a focus on ceramics.
For more information email dianafarrell@gmail.com or pscrabb@cox.net
Your Program Team
The Program Team for 2025 includes Meredith Linden, Vera McGuire, Janet Neuwalder, Maureen Schultz and Foz. Using input from Guild members scheduling presenters for monthly programs has already begun!
A couple of Pottery Jams are in the exploration and nailing down the details stage and we are on the search for other Jam offerings. If you have an idea, are interested in sharing a skill, leading a discussion or simply providing a location to hold a Jam please email programs@vcpg.org and one of us will follow-up with you.
We are currently exploring locations for 2025 workshops that have adequate space, parking, restrooms, resources and infrastructure that work for handling clay and the other messy things we work with. The Team is committed to offering at least two workshops (fee-based), in addition to Pottery Jams, this year.
During 2024, 103 Guild Members gave their expertise and countless hours supporting Guild activities, programs and sales by providing a Team Service. The diversity of opportunities our Guild offers would not be possible without the involvement of our membership. Thank you.
Great news, Diane Hedding will be joining the Team Service (implementation) Team in 2025. This Team Service responsibility will now have more support.
Our website “host” has changed the face and “backside” of the Team Service sign-up module. The Team Service web page will disappear for a few weeks while we update the information we post and learn a bit more about how we and you can interface with it. Our hope is by mid-January 2025 Team Service opportunities will be posted and be ready for sign-ups.
Keep your eyes out for a MemberConnect announcement and for updated info in the January Newsletter.